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Commercial and private sources
If you cannot find a listing regarding Swedish instruction available for your country
or city, there are still other alternatives you can investigate:
Look for Swedish missions, consulates, and embassies near you. On occasion, there are staff who
are willing to give private instruction in Swedish, or who have knowledge of a local svenska
skolan (Swedish school) organized to offer Swedish instruction and
activities to children in the area. Additionally, they may have knowledge of
Swedish-speaking people in the area who are available for language instruction or who are
interested in Swedish cultural events.
 | Your local university may have students from Sweden who would be
willing to make tutoring arrangements. The admissions or international studies offices may
be able to assist you in locating them.
 | Look in your local telephone directory for commercial businesses, such
as language schools, or private sources for language instruction, such as tutoring.
 | Check also for local Scandinavian clubs and organizations
(such as VASA or SWEA), who often
host book discussions, language study, or cultural activities. Regionally-oriented
Web sites dedicated to Scandinavian interests are also a good source. For example, if you
live in the San Francisco Bay Area, you can consult the ScandinaviUS pages on language. |